Coach Stephen Woolston

I share actionable work I know you can do to beat stress, raise your game, and live happy.

I know what it’s like to live and work from stress and anxiety.

I’ve been there. I did it for years. I came to the point I needed to change, and I did.

Through the work I did with my coaches, I learned that when we live and work from a deeper, more peaceful foundations, we don’t just become happier and healthier.

It increases our impact and influence in the world.

It raises our game!

I am a Coach and Trainer for eighteen years now.

I am an Advanced Master Practitioner and Trainer of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), an Advanced Presence Intelligence Coach, and trained convener of the “What Every Person Can Do” program.

If you'd like me to work with you, contact me at

Coach Stephen Woolston

✅️ Do you want to experience less stress and more inner calm?

✅️ Do you want to deepen your professional grounding?

✅️ Do you want to stop overthinking?

✅️ Do you want to make better decisions and communicate with more clarity?

✅️ Do you want to more mastery over mind and emotion?

✅️ Do you want to raise your professional game?

Then the 3C course is for you!

💥 IT’S LIVE: which means it has the human connection, interactivity, and direct feedback that is missing from self-paced courses.

💥 IT’S ONLINE: which means you can join from wherever you are.

💥 IT’S EVENINGS-BASED: which means you don’t have to take any time off work.

💥 IT’S MODULAR: so you can learn in bite-size increments.

💥 IT HAS REVISION SESSIONS BUILT IN: so you can miss sessions and still catch up.

💥 IT’S LOW COST: so you don’t have to break the bank doing it.

But time is running out. It starts on the 24th of September.

If you want the link or a personal coversation to discuss this more, drop any one word comment and I'll send you the information.

#stressrelief #anxietyrelief #peacefulmind

6 days ago (edited) | [YT] | 1

Coach Stephen Woolston

As a leader or coach, 9 times out of 10, what you need isn’t more techniques, theories, or mechanics, but access to a deeper well of innate wisdom and embodied knowledge.

In other words, a deeper grounding, which comes with a clear mind and a more peaceful balance of mind and emotion.

3C is about deepening that grounding so that we can be better leaders, better coaches, and better professionals generally.

And when we do:

✅️ We feel less stress
✅️ We think and act more clearly
✅️ We communicate better
✅️ We get happier in ourselves

Find out more about 3C in the top comment.

1 month ago | [YT] | 0

Coach Stephen Woolston

The time is coming that if you want to join the 3C course and get the 25% early booking discount, you need to act.

How? It’s really simple!

Write to me by email to say that you would like to book a place.

I will reply with the full terms and conditions for you to read.

Read the terms and conditions and reply to agree.

I will send you the payment instructions and you remit the fee.

If you change your mind or become unable to attend, don't worry. You can cancel up to two weeks before the start of the event and get a refund.

1 month ago | [YT] | 1

Coach Stephen Woolston

When we live and work from a clear mind and a deeper, more peaceful grounding, we don’t just get happier and healthier in ourselves.

It increases our impact and influence in the world.

It raises our game!

3C is an online, modular, evenings-based group exploration of living and working from a clearer mind and a more peaceful grounding.

To find out more, check the link in the top comment.

1 month ago | [YT] | 1

Coach Stephen Woolston

Stress, overthinking, and overwhelm don’t just make us unhappy. They stop clear thinking. They aren’t good for how we live or how we work.

If YOU would like to:

✅️ Stop overthinking
✅️ Stop living from stressful thoughts
✅️ Enjoy a clearer mind
✅️ Enjoy a deeper, more peaceful grounding

Then the 3C course is for you.

3C stands for Calm, Clear, Confident.

It is an online, modular, evenings-based group cultivating our ability to live and work from a clearer mind and a more peaceful grounding, so we can beat stress, clear our mind, and raise our game.

There's a link to more information in the top comment.

1 month ago | [YT] | 2

Coach Stephen Woolston

I'd like to share the titles of the 12 sessions of the 3C course.

They are a bit of fun and a bit of a tease to whet your appetite!

✅️ The garden must be tended
✅️ Presence is intelligence
✅️ The truth about thoughts and feelings
✅️ I can master my reactions
✅️ The observer sees more
✅️ The master is always returning to balance
✅️ Capacity is a well
✅️ My energy is mine
✅️ Confidence is clarity
✅️ I am a responsible communicator
✅️ The art of being done for now
✅️ Simplicity is the antidote to complexity

Remember, 3C is an online, evenings-based, modular group coaching journey to cultivate your capacity to live and work from a clearer mind and a deeper, more peaceful balance of mind and emotion.

In each module we'll meet a transformative idea and prepare ourselves to make it more than an idea. We'll prepare to make it embodied experience.

If you're a professional person whose happiness and professional game can be raised by beating stress and being clearer of mind, this is for you.

Link in top comment!

1 month ago | [YT] | 3

Coach Stephen Woolston

As a leader or a coach, nine times out of ten, what you need isn't more techniques, theories, or mechanics, but a deeper groundedness.

3C is about deepening the groundedness that makes us better leaders, better coaches, and better professionals generally.

It cultivates our ability to live and work from a clearer and more peaceful balance of mind and emotion so:

✅️ We feel less stress
✅️ We think and act more clearly
✅️ We communicate better
✅️ We get happier in ourselves

The best leaders and coaches act from this kind of clarity and balance.

3C is an online, evenings-based, modular group coaching experience, so you can join from wherever you are, after work, and learn in bite-size chunks.

To find out more, check the link in the top comment.

1 month ago | [YT] | 1

Coach Stephen Woolston

Here, by my caffetiere and CD remote, is my overview plan for the 3C course. I'm reviewing it again and making final tweaks. We're going to confront 13 new transformative ideas, and put 16 small, simple, but transformative practices to work in our lives and work.

I've put titles to the 12 modules and I'll share them later!

Remember, if YOU would like to:

✅️ Stop overthinking
✅️ Stop living and working from stressful thoughts
✅️ Enjoy a deeper, more peaceful balance of mind and emotion

Then this is for you!

Remember, when we live and work from a deeper, more peaceful balance of mind and emotion, we don't just feel happier and healthier. The clarity and headspace we gain raises our game, too.

Link in top comment.

1 month ago | [YT] | 2

Coach Stephen Woolston

Living and working from a deeper, clearer, more peaceful mind is possible. It just doesn't seem like it when you're in the depths of stressful thought.

It's not about mind hacks, though. I meet people who use pop mind hacks every day and they look like people who drink way too much Red Bull and desperately need some sleep.

What's even better than having a technique is not needing one.

How? By cultivating something more generative!

It's more about planting thought seeds and cultivating the conditions in which those seeds grow than mind hacking.

It's more about self-awareness and a better understanding about the relationship between who we really are, the stories we tell ourselves, the masks we wear to hide who we are, the true nature of thought, and reality.

It's more about learning to let go and let our innate ability to self-correct do its job, rather than smother it try and drive the bus from our conscious minds.

This is what we're going to explore in my upcoming 3C course.

1 month ago | [YT] | 1

Coach Stephen Woolston

3C is a group coaching experience that enables people like you to go on a coaching journey with me without incurring the full cost of private one-to-one coaching.

3C—calm, clear, confident.

We'll explore principles and practices to cultivate a better balance of mind and emotion, and we'll practice applying what we learn to our life and work.

3C will be a live, online, evenings-based, modular event, so you can join from wherever you are, after work, and learn in bite size increments.

Would you like to know more?

Would you also like to know how you can get 25% off the course fee?

Would you like to know how you can turn that into 50% off?

Then let me know in a comment and message me!

2 months ago | [YT] | 2