The Invincible CEO ~ The Wish Fulfilled Playground

Dede Powerniak ~ The Invincible CEO: I want to see you WIN! WIN BIG! & WIN ALL THE TIME! It's time live your BEST LIFE. Come join me and learn to manifest simple, quick, easy & fun!

Dede is a highly sought-after "Quintuple Coach" because of her 30 years of experience as a Trained Interrogator & Investigator, Expert of the Subconscious Mind, a 9th Degree Reiki Grand Master, Certified Personal Trainer, & Certified Nutritionist. She helps you Create & Manifest Your Own Reality with the holistic approach of Mind - Body - Energy so all 3 can be in harmony with one another.

Dede has introduced the Manifesting Trinity of Activate - Align - Anchor to the Manifesting community.

Dede has personally used & taught others the ability to manifest with ease & flow. For more information on how to work with her, click here