Hi! My name is Mark Anderson and I am the founder of LeanVlog.
During my 20 years of experience as a Lean Expert and Trainer, I have seen many Lean Journey … some of them failed but some of them brought people and companies to incredible results.

I always liked to teach others and I am happy when they have success.

This is the reason why I started in 2010 with my first website on Lean and by continuous improvement, I decided to found LeanVlog.

# Why Video?

You should know the famous sentence: “1 Image worth more than 1000 words“.

I told myself: “How many images worth 1 video?”

So, I started collecting the best lean video for myself and then I told myself:
“Why other Lean Addicted or Students have to waste time to do the same research I already did?”

Hence, I learned WordPress and I founded LeanVlog.

Moreover, I tested many different video format and I selected the Whiteboard style as the most effective to transfer Lean Knowledge.


📢 LeanVlog Friends on Telegram.

I have decided to revamp my Telegram channels
to be more quickly connected with you and your needs.

👉 If you want to speak directly with me and a community
of professionals who want to learn more about Lean Manufacturing,
join the LEANVLOG Friends group now.

💬 Here you can talk directly with me, ask for advice, and get links to useful resources.

🔗 Here is the link!

2 months ago | [YT] | 0


✳✳ Lean Toolbox Database - New Edition ✳✳

Thanks to your feedback, I've enhanced the user experience.

Here's what's new:

🕒 Added Video Durations: Find out how long each video is.
🔗 Clickable Titles: Links directly embedded in the titles.

Download the eighth edition for free by providing your email.

You'll be notified when the database is enriched with
"Real Application Examples".


2 months ago | [YT] | 1


I would like to add real example in the the "lean video toolbox database".
You can download the beta version here: sendfox.com/lp/108gjr

2 months ago | [YT] | 2


The new version of the "Lean Video Toolbox Database"
has just been released.

I wanted to ask you if knowing the duration of the video
before opening it is useful or not ..

3 months ago | [YT] | 2


✅ [Discover the Best Lean Manufacturing Videos on YouTube]


Are you looking to master Lean Manufacturing principles but tired of wasting time searching for quality content?

▶ Download My Free Excel File with Curated Lean Manufacturing Videos

Why Download?

1️⃣ Save Time:

Skip the endless search. Our Excel file includes a curated list of the best Lean Manufacturing videos on YouTube.

2️⃣ Share Easily:

The file is easily shareable with your colleagues and peers, helping everyone stay informed and productive.

3️⃣ Quality Content:

I have handpicked the most insightful and practical videos to enhance your Lean Manufacturing knowledge.

Download Now.


3 months ago | [YT] | 2


I'm preparing a collection of videos categorized by Lean tools. What format would be most convenient for you?

4 months ago | [YT] | 0


"I've made over 300 videos with the same background music. Do you want me to change the music?"

4 months ago | [YT] | 2


I would like to create some digital products to help people to learn lean faster and better.

Which one you think is the most useful?

5 months ago | [YT] | 3


I am preparing a BULK of resources for Lean Manufacturing implementation with a special price for 'BLACK FRIDAY.' What would you like to have in the bulk?

10 months ago | [YT] | 1


New playlist of lean tools. Which one will you be interested in the most?

1 year ago | [YT] | 0