Reconnect with your past about millennial-era movies and TV shows that go easy on the mature content.

Hi! I'm Rustin. I'm a Christian and family man with a belief that my thoughts and actions are influenced by what media I consume, so here on Fun Fact Films I create content about millennial-era movies and TV shows (mainly from the '80s to '00s) that aren’t crude or “edgy" to help you remember the good times of yesteryear.

Subscribe and click the bell icon to know when I post my next video!

*Note to MCN/Talent Agencies: Fun Fact Films is not interested in joining any MCN or talent management groups. These types of inquiries will be ignored.

Fun Fact Films

Which James Earl Jones role is your favorite?

1 week ago | [YT] | 109

Fun Fact Films

RIP James Earl Jones, we'll miss you!

1 week ago | [YT] | 470

Fun Fact Films

It's been a minute, hasn't it? So let me tell you a story all about how my life got flip-turned-upside down over the past 8 months. (Well, maybe not that dramatic, but I couldn't resist the Fresh Prince reference).

But first off all, thank you to all of you who reached out in the comments of my Twister video to express kind words after my long absence.

Now let me explain what's been going on and what the future holds for me and the channel

If you've discovered Fun Fact Films over the past several months, welcome! I'm Rustin, and I'm the sole creator here and since COVID I've been "underemployed", I think is the correct term, with only this channel's ad revenue and a part-time video editing gig to help support my family.

But that all changed in September 2023 when I got a job as a vidIQ Creator Coach.

"The good" was that I met a lot of great people, helped so many grow their channels, and had a steady flow of income with benefits. "The bad" was that the job was very demanding on my time, so creating videos had to be put on hold.

But the light at the end of the tunnel was that we were finally at a point to move out of my parent's house, and we were only waiting for the kids' school year to finish to make our move.

But then I got laid off from vidIQ.

So we're back to square one. I'm looking for more work again, but my part-time editing gig has evolved to fill more hours, and there's a chance it could become full-time, but when/if that happens is uncertain. The good news is now I have some time to make videos again.

So my goal is to make 2 videos a month, released on the second and fourth weekends. And I'll make more if I can.

I appreciate your support for coming back and tuning in!

1 month ago | [YT] | 42

Fun Fact Films

I’ve been meaning to send this message for a long time…

If you’ve wondered why I haven’t posted a video in awhile it’s because I started a new job back in October as a YouTube coach/strategist.

Since 2020 I’ve been trying to figure out how to get me and my family back on our feet after losing my job due to pandemic related reasons.

We moved in with my parents and for the past three years I have been working on Fun Fact Films to make it my full-time job while also applying for other opportunities here and there.

The problem is I haven’t been able to make this edutainment channel a full-time income source because I don’t know how to make revenue streams out of it besides the ads.

Yes, I could do sponsorships, but I have avoided those because I haven’t found a product or company that I trust, for one, or that has a product I can fully endorse and feel it’s relevant to my content to make it worth promoting to you all within my videos.

I value you, my loyal fans, and your viewing experience above my desire to sell your attention to a company that doesn’t care about you as much as I do.

Could I do a brand deal in the future? Yes, it’s possible, but I haven’t found the right fit, nor do I have the time to invest to find the right company and/or product that I feel is worth my time and yours.

So that’s why I needed to find a job and let this channel continue to be a side hustle.

But having a job means that a lot of my time is spent on that right now instead of creating content.

I still want to make content for you all because it has been a great joy to build this community to 100K followers around a love for nostalgic movies and TV shows.

But I need to focus on being more efficient with my coaching so I can free up more of my time to make more videos.

It’s possible, I just am learning the ropes and trying to get settled.

This isn’t the end of Fun Fact Films, at least I don’t intend for it to be.

But I just wanted to tell you all that I appreciate your viewership and for joining me on this journey thus far.

I look forward to the next video I can drop for you all to keep the ball rolling.

But until then, Merry Christmas 🎄🎁 and a Happy New Year!🎊🎈

9 months ago (edited) | [YT] | 73

Fun Fact Films

What '90s sitcom is turning 30 this Sunday?

11 months ago | [YT] | 81

Fun Fact Films

Look what came in the mail today! ❤️ Thank you for helping me reach this amazing milestone!

1 year ago | [YT] | 111

Fun Fact Films

▶️ Silver Play Button here I come! 🫶 Thank you for watching and helping me reach this amazing milestone! 🫶

1 year ago | [YT] | 36

Fun Fact Films

Which son from Home Improvement was your favorite?

1 year ago | [YT] | 43

Fun Fact Films

Video Update! The 'When Full House Died' video is slightly delayed because I'm currently fighting a copyright dispute with the video. So I have to wait until that gets resolved before the video is ready for you. Sorry for the delay, but I can't wait to see how you like it!

1 year ago | [YT] | 58

Fun Fact Films

Which Full House "Dad" is your favorite?

1 year ago | [YT] | 43