Official channel of Stefanos Tortopoglou / Stefan Torto.
Born in Athens and self-educated in guitar, piano, percussion and music technology, Stefanos has been involved in various forms of electronic and natural sound from the age of 7.
As a composer-sound designer he has composed music for videos, mapping projection, hologram and virtual reality presentations of major companies such as National Geographic, Nike, Redbull, Heineken, Mircosoft, Samsung and many more.
In addition, as a stage musician and as a sound designer, he has participated in theatrical performances of the National Theatre Of Greece and other productions, touring in ancient Greek theatres and worldwide.
Several of his tracks have been released in music compilations and used for film/short film productions worldwide.
Also Co-founder and composer of the Ze Garden and Dreamakers multi performance projects.
Finally, as a sound designer he research and create sounds and presets for VST instruments for major companies.