That's me, Amber Rose Tolna as I like to call myself!!! :D Just a 26 year old girl based in the Ventura County, CA area who is a vibrant, outspoken, underrated and underappreciated Conservative, Libertarian, Bible believing, "Alt-Right" & White Pride figure in an obscure little town called Newbury Park, CA!!!! xD I proudly and loudly listen to the likes of none other than Alex Jones, Milo Yinnopoulos, Gavin Mcinnes, Ron Paul, Tucker Carlson.... the list goes on!!! =] you get the idea!!!!!!!!!! ;-) I'm about as FAR RIGHT as you can possibly get!!!!!!!!! YOU DON'T LIKE IT?!??!? DEAL WITH IT FASCIST, COMMIE, LIBERAL SCUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!