Bulletproof Teams

Welcome to Bulletproof Teams! Thanks a ton for being here.

My name is Nikhil. I am a simple guy from New Delhi, India, married to a super-strong woman and father to a super-strong baby girl who is nearly 3.5 years old as of March 2022.

In 2019 I lost my business, which was also my family's 30-year-old business. It sucked. It sucked hard.

A lot of heartaches, pain, fear, and near financial ruin followed. But I had a choice, which was entirely mine, the one thing that belonged to me.

So I went on this self-discovery journey and put myself way out of my comfort zone.

That's when I created Bulletproof Teams...

To help business owners fly high, kill it out there, and not go through what I did.

Thanks a ton for being here.

