Sailing Ripple Effect

Hi, We are Mara & Doc, we are on a mission to sail around the world creating as many positive ripples as we can along the way. Every couple of months we invite three new adventure seekers to join our boat, and embark on a life changing journey.

Join us as we navigate the world not only as sailors but as explorers and storytellers capturing the essence of incredible people and our breathtaking planet. It's more than just sailing; it's about embracing an alternative way of life, fostering genuine connections, and making a positive impact on the world. Touched deeply, we can't help but share, hoping our journey becomes a wellspring of inspiration for you to pursue your dreams.

Welcome to Sailing Ripple Effect, where each wave tells a story, and every port is a chance to create ripples of positivity. Let's set sail together and discover the boundless possibilities beyond the horizon! 🌊⛵