WhatifAltHist is a channel run by Rudyard Lynch that looks to try to find the patterns in history and anthropology so as to predict the future and understand the dynamics that result in civilizations rising and falling. It was formerly an alternate history channel


Isn’t it crazy how producing a society with 100% literacy doesn’t actually increase the quality of output. Like modern Italy doesn’t produce better content than 1400s Italy where 80% of people were illiterate. When most Europeans were illiterate was when they produced their best stuff

1 hour ago | [YT] | 653


Am I correct here:
SAW or studies and ancient wisdom have consistently found that the human mind is actually quite deep and subtle. However, the vast majority of it is subconscious in which the conscious mind is relatively weak, often acting as a PR agency for the subconscious. Humans are quite good at subconsciously picking up on things we evolved to sense, like relational closeness, hierarchy, danger, resource scarceness, beauty, disgust, shame and even I’d guess some religious concepts. We’re bad at things that aren’t related to our evolutionary pressures like abstract thinking or standardization. When we hit something our subconscious knows evolutionarily like terror, scarcity or love our body reacts with our conscious. We then use the conscious mind to often deceive, either ourselves or others. Our subconscious will know that we’re just pretending to do blank but our conscious will make us believe it fervently. Human motivation occurs on multiple tiers at once often in contradiction. Lots of Leftism I believe is what Rob Henderson has called “luxury beliefs.” For example getting rid of the family, nation, police or public education. The elites can then wipe out more unstable lower class competition. One level of consciousness has a different motivation from another.

1 day ago | [YT] | 1,723


Is it a coincidence that the English possessions in France in the Hundred Years’ War map very closely onto the Protestant regions in the French civil war 200 years later?

1 day ago | [YT] | 1,089


I’ve come to realize most philosophy is “philosopher has certain end he wants to reach and then uses vast IQ to explain why.”

Nietzsche-Why conquering people is actually great
Schopenhauer-Why you should kill yourself
Hume-Why you should enjoy the moment and ignore underlying obvious principles of life
Rousseau-Why everyone should act like a woman
Voltaire-Why the society shouldn’t regulate edge lords
Plato-Why my priest class should run society
Thomas Aquinas-why the universe is rational and a reflection of divine revelation
Hobbes-Why the state should run everything

3 days ago | [YT] | 2,612


Is this accurate?
Keynesianism is effective under certain circumstances, in that there are certain ecosystems that require an injection of cash to get started due to sclerosis. However, due to the way human nature is oriented, it establishes negative incentives through which the state will eventually use it to push political aims. Capital like that must be directed meaning over the course of time the entire economy becomes subservient to the state.

3 days ago | [YT] | 1,153


What’s an underlying principle of human nature you learned from watching these videos that changes how you see the world? If none say that too.

4 days ago | [YT] | 1,031


What’s your favorite video on this channel?

4 days ago | [YT] | 705


Finish the joke. My job is consorting with demons?

4 days ago | [YT] | 1,062


How will the republicans and democrats establish plausible deniability that they really won the election and not the other side. They’ll have to make something up. I’m unclear how blatantly they will try. I believe they are actively looking for it at this point since both sides are less scared of war than they are of another four years with the other side in charge

5 days ago | [YT] | 2,133


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lmXMw... A video I made with Erik Torenberg explaining the American Revolution

1 week ago | [YT] | 257