Hi, I'm a NicoNico addict from Hong Kong. I'm learning Japanese and thought that the best way to practice is to translate things I love, i.e. songs, mostly sung by VOCALOID (mainly because the other songs I like are probably already translated).

I'm still learning (JLPT1, but I learned most of that from book-studying, no actual practice, so... ) and my English has been deteriorating since after high school, so no guarantee on accuracy. Please do kindly let me know if you spot any mistake / just want to discuss translation/songs.

I consider requests as a "why dont you check out this song?" suggestion, so can't promise I will translate them, but feel free to send me songs you want translated (not restricted to Vocaloids)~ If I like it and think I'm up to the challenge, I'll do it.

All videos uploaded here are originally from Niconico with subtitles by me.

Re: Request for MP3:

For any and all songs from Niconico, you can download the mp3 from:

Just replace the last part of the with the address for each video (the nm-somethingsomethng / sm-something-something part).
Re: Request for video download

Google keepvid for youtube videos, and nicofox for nico videos
twitter: twitter.com/hokorik