
The More Freedom Foundation is Pro-Sanity Propaganda. The United States is the most powerful country in human history. It's also incredibly popular. Our main obstacle and threat, for three decades now, if not eight, has been our own military and foreign policy establishment and its almost unbroken string of stupid, selfish mistakes. MFF documents these mistakes in the hope that we can grow out of them.

The MFF doesn't claim any special expertise, we only promise to do a better job covering the world than any Cable News Channel...

Bias: I think it's time to face the fact that the 2016 election turned me from a Reagan conservative into something like an FDR Democrat.

We are about as independent as it is possible to be, solely supported by Patreon crowd-funding, Youtube advertising, Amazon Kindle essay sales, and (diminishing) savings. (Please donate!) If you want to keep us going, please click the "Support Us On Patreon!" or "Support Through PayPal!" links below...