Khaos πŸ‘οΈ Smith

All πŸ‘€ R Open I Can πŸ‘οΈ I Will Focus On Me!
Positive Energy & Good Vibrations 😊
Cash app- Rasta420falling
Snapchat- rasta420falling

Khaos πŸ‘οΈ Smith

Trapped πŸ‘πŸ’«
Trapped is the way you think πŸ€”
Trapped is the way you feel 🌟
Trapped is the programs you're set on..
Trapped is the beliefs you hold on to for years..
Trapped is the fear 😨 you hold on to...
Trapped is trusting a system that's not for you..
Trapped is being around people not supporting or building you up... just take, take, take... drain, drain, drain,
Trapped is being around negative people and places πŸ™ƒ that bring you down spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and financially...
Trapped is you not willingly to let go of people, places, or things not good for your mental or physical health..
Trapped is you waiting on a person or deity to save you. And you can save yourself ...
Trapped is you not trusting in yourself or process for lack of patience...
Trapped is trying to be like everyone else πŸ™ƒ and not your original authentic organic natural self...
Trapped is you don't know your worth or value... and settle for less eveytime...
Trapped is you follow directions and never ask or question on anything πŸ€”
Trapped is the world keeps you by design.. a mess and stressed out... do live your life in doubt..
Trapped is you keep going off what the world 🌎 tells you to do. And to fearful to do what you want to do. Cause you're afraid 😨 of what someone might say... about you...

4 hours ago | [YT] | 1

Khaos πŸ‘οΈ Smith

Gratitude for My Divine Team Guidance
Expressing deep gratitude to the divine team for their constant guidance and support....
I acknowledge my team's role in personal growth and achievements.
Reflecting on personal journeys and experiences with my divine team....

The Power of My Divine Team
I express gratitude to my divine team for helping me overcome challenges and find my true purpose....
My divine team has enabled me to release burdens, find peace, and change my reality...
I am emphasizing the importance of the divine team in my journey of self-discovery and personal growth...

Gratitude towards My Divine Team
My divine team helped me connect with my divinity and regain sanity....
I made positive changes, prioritizing my health and wealth...
My team guided me to become a better version of myself, lifting me up during tough times....

My Divine Team and Connection to Mother Nature...
My Divine team connected me to Mother Nature.🌎
My Divine team opened me up to seeing and feeling nature "All" everything. ...
My Divine team guided me to be humble and connected to my roots of Mother Nature....

Letting Go and Embracing Growth
Letting go of worldly attachments leads me to personal growth and a newfound glow.
My inner light discovered through this process is described as a furnace of unconditional love....
My connection to the divine and the mother is emphasized as the source of this transformation....

My Self-Reflection and Divine Connection
I emphasize the importance of self-reflection and finding unconditional love within oneself....
I acknowledge the significance of my divine team and the numbers that play a role in my journey....
I see myself as a master builder, working selflessly for the greater good and connected to everything without separation....

I Discovering Inner Peace through Health and Disconnection
My journey of self-discovery and inner peace...
I realize that health is wealth, and disconnection from the external world leads to clarity....
I embraced inner processes and finding solace within myself....

My Rebirth of Earth
Nirvana state is the next place after death.
Earth rebirth I came back alive in 2020 in my vessel and started the opening of the New Earth 🌎 within...
I am grateful πŸ™πŸΎ for the support and love from my team....

My Spiritual Journey through Self-Discovery
My journey of self-discovery led me to realize my inner potential and connection to the universe....
Through spiritual awakening, l gained a higher perspective and innerstanding of the world....
My journey brought me to a state of enlightenment and self-realization....

My Spiritual Connection and Inner Peace
I am feeling connected to my divine team and experiencing a sense of grounding and completeness....
I am expressing a knowing in the oneness of all things and the absence of separation between positive and negative aspects.
I am finding inner peace and contentment within myself, free from external temptations and desires....

I am connected to Energy
I am feeling a strong connection to energy....
I know that this connection allows me to attract and bring in the best of myself....
I am aware of the negative impact of certain industries on the environment, but I choose to focus on my own connection to energy.....

My Divine Team's Guidance
My Divine team provides constant guidance, protection, and support....
I am working from within and outside the individual, influencing my life....
My divine team's presence leads to personal growth and spiritual enlightenment.

I Am Unlocking Energy and healing
I discuss energy and healing potential within individuals.
DNA and RNA play a role in unlocking this energy with the Sun 🌞...
I am willing to be open and avoid getting stuck is important.

Gratitude and Divine Connection
I am expressing gratitude for personal growth and divine guidance.
I am feeling a strong connection with the universe and the energy of the moon.
I recognize the significance of a specific date and its alignment with personal numerology.

I am Self-Reflection and Divine Connection
I emphasize my divine connection and purpose.
I view my physical body as a vessel for my divine self.
I express gratitude for the support and pride of my divine team.

I Innerstanding the Connection between Chaos and Inner Balance
I know the 🌎 world is connected to chaos, and chaos is connected to the individual energy whiles...
Lack of chaotic energy disrupts inner balance and flow....
My external world provides a sense of control, but true control comes from within of letting go of the outer world 🌎...

My Expressing Gratitude and Unity
I am feeling grateful for the support and guidance received.
I have no sense of separation or holding back.
Innerstanding the energy and vibration of the universe.

My Divine Team
I am discussing the concept of my 'divine team' and its role in personal growth and well-being.
I am emphasizing the importance of staying connected to one's inner self and energy rather than being influenced by external factors.
I highlight the significance of self-awareness and innerstanding one's own heart and desires.

6 hours ago | [YT] | 1

Khaos πŸ‘οΈ Smith

Sorry πŸ‘πŸ’«πŸ’”
Sorry, is all you say..
Sorry, it should be your name...
Sorry, are the actions you show..
Sorry, is your attitude...
Sorry, is your integrity...
Sorry, is your character...
Sorry, is your respect..
Sorry, is your trust...
Sorry, is your loyalty...
Sorry, is your honor..
Sorry, the company you keep..
Sorry, is the life you chose to live..
Sorry, is the love you give..
Sorry, is support you show..
Sorry, I am done with your Sorry ass!!!

22 hours ago | [YT] | 1

Khaos πŸ‘οΈ Smith

Tell MeπŸ’«πŸ’«πŸ’«βœ¨οΈβœ¨οΈβœ¨οΈ
Tell me how you keep living, when you know you're living a lie..
Tell me how you can fake and pretend so easily...
Tell me how you can lie in my face with a smile full of deceitfulness..
Tell me how I am for you, and you're not for me..
Tell me why you are always calling and counting on me, and I can never call or count on you ...
Tell me why every time I am around you, I feel so drain energy while from you...
Tell me why you are so negative and full of drama...
Tell me why you are full of hate and separation..
Tell me how you can sleep with him, and turn around and sleep with me too! And smile in my face like nothing..
Tell me, do your heart's feelings, and do it pump red blood... cause your heart is full of black tar!!!
Tell me why you are so cold and numb when it comes to your feelings and emotions..
Tell me why you choose not to communicate when communication is key to ever relationships or partnership..
Tell me why you think shutting me out is hurting me.. when you're in suffering and pain.. lack and limited πŸ˜ͺ
Tell me why you keep doing the same thing over and over. Don't change anything to get a different result... insanity I call it!!!
Tell me why you don't love or respect yourself. And you don't know your worth or value...
Tell me why you think degrading your mind and body. Is healthy for your mental and emotional health 😒
Tell me who got you in the masculine energy, TuFF guy acted, I don't need no man. Survival mode... meanwhile, you want a man to take care of you. πŸ™„ and you more manly than him...

1 day ago | [YT] | 1

Khaos πŸ‘οΈ Smith

Quick πŸ’«βœ¨οΈπŸ’«βœ¨οΈπŸ’«πŸ˜Ž
Quick to judge ..
Quick to yell..
Quick to fight..
Quick to leave..
Quick to shut down..
Quick to tear down..
Quick to frown...
Quick to destroy..
Quick to run...
Quick to lie...
Quick to cheat...
Quick to deceive..
Quick to pretend...
Quick to be fake...
Quick to follow the world...
Quick to live in fear..
Quick to hold on to the past..
Quick to live a lie...
Quick to quit...
Quick to give up...
Quick to let go...
Quick to lose trust..
Quick to not trust..
Quick to lust...
Quick to bust...
Quick to easy..
Quick to hate...
Quick to separate ...
Quick to not respond...
Quick to gossip...
Quick to disrespect...
Quick to be mad...
Quick to be frustrated..
Quick to be piss off..
Quick to fall...
Quick to jump...
Quick is the world 🌎 version that you are set on!!! FRFR πŸ’« think about it, Quick πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘ŒπŸΎπŸ’«

1 day ago | [YT] | 1

Khaos πŸ‘οΈ Smith

How much does it cost you to smile.. 😊
How much does it cost you to lie... πŸ€₯
How much does it cost you to hold the door open.. πŸšͺ
How much does it cost you to be fake.. 🎭
How much does it cost you to be nice.. πŸ€—
How much does it cost you to have empathy and compassion.. πŸ«‚
How much does it cost you to build someone up... πŸ’ͺ
How much does it cost you to destroy and destruct others and ourselves... πŸ’£
How much does it cost you with all the drama and hate.... 😑
How much does it cost you when you react first, then think later ... πŸ’­
How much does it cost you when you speak your truth.. πŸ—£οΈ
How much does it cost you when pretending and not being yourself.. 🎭
How much does it cost you when tearing somebody down with less than you.. πŸ’”
How much does it cost to give unconditional love to yourself and others.. πŸ’ž
How much does it cost you when you don't respect yourself or your body and everybody else... πŸ™…β€β™€οΈ
How much does it cost you pleasing everyone else... 🎭 #selflove #bekind #spreadpositivity

1 day ago | [YT] | 1

Khaos πŸ‘οΈ Smith

My knowing πŸ‘ is my guiding principle...
My values are my sense of honor...
My integrity is my character...
My character is my loyalty...
My loyalty holds power...
My actions show sincerity...
My honesty brings trust ...
My trust and your what a great connection we made ❀️ together innerly

1 day ago | [YT] | 1

Khaos πŸ‘οΈ Smith

All came from nothing. Nothing is All, from that spark ✨️ of energy came the stars 🌟
Venus is on the rise πŸ™ŒπŸΎ Divine feminine energy ✨️ is strong on the plant. Mars is in the shadows, and so is Divine masculine energy ✨️ man seat back and rest. Hold your life force energy for clarity ✨️ they lied to you about blue πŸ’™ balls... Pressure doesn't bust pipes. That's the illusion they gave you. The only pressure you have is the pressure that you put on yourself. It's meant for you to stress your mind in a mess. That's why you have to learn to play chess. The world 🌎 is all the chess pieces. You have to know you are connected internally to every piece. Just like everyone and things in the world 🌎 that vibrate, frequency, and hold energy ✨️just like you move the chess piece πŸ˜‰ you move everything in life the same way. 😎 See, you are the creator of your reality it's just knowing to play it best for you. Just like in the chest! Study long study wrong. Patience is the key πŸ”‘ to all virtual πŸ™πŸΎ ✨️ Patience is being still in mind, heart, body, spirit, and soul. Inner peace All is #Oneness πŸ’« 9th dimension ...πŸ‘ nature 🌎 All the way πŸŒžπŸ”‘πŸ˜ŽπŸ’šπŸ’ͺπŸΎπŸŒšπŸ’«

2 days ago | [YT] | 1

Khaos πŸ‘οΈ Smith

Tell me πŸ‘
Tell me why you were a mask 😷 and not being your original authentic organic natural self..
Tell me why I don't feel what you're saying when your actions are not matching up with your words πŸ€”...
Tell me why you lie and try to deceive me with your deception. I see πŸ‘ right through you... feel you too!
Tell me why most people stay on the same level of life, not looking for a change.. lazy and comfortable 😴 consciously dead sleep walking πŸšΆβ€β™‚οΈ...
Tell me why we know better and choose wants that's not good for ourselves.. people, places, and things....
Tell me why are we living in a civilization, and we are living like we're in the wild concrete jungle. Survival mode is wildlife living free.. why is it you and me!!! Inflation 🀣🀣🀣
Tell me why are we not innerstanding that everything you know was giving to you. So who is the real πŸ€” you.. spirit, vessel, mind, heart, and soul.. what did you learn in school 🏫 about your energy blueprint πŸ˜ŽπŸ’«
Tell me you haven't noticed everything has changed since 20/20 πŸ’«πŸŒŽπŸ’šπŸ’―πŸ’ͺ🏾✨️✨️✨️
Tell me you learned about empaths in school. If not, why? Cause I didn't!!!
Tell me we all were taught to learn a certain way, and we aren't consciously all the same... do you see the mental bondage and chains ⛓️ πŸ€” set on up from an early age πŸ€” and we turn right around and do the same shit to our children...
Tell me when you are going to see if you keep repeating history and you will get the same stupid story.. The results will never change..
Tell me, am I the only one who sees and thinks πŸ€” openly and freely as I do... Questioning social norms..
Tell me why we live in fear 😨 when your mind and emotions bring it to your reality.. feelings and emotions with thoughts at play.. 🀐 what great ingredients for a recipe to change your situation and reality. When used correctly! πŸ’«πŸ˜ŽπŸ’š

3 days ago (edited) | [YT] | 1

Khaos πŸ‘οΈ Smith

Let me share with you about being alone. Being a long allows you to be in your own energy ✨️ 😌 Being alone helps you to see clearly of your viewpoint πŸ‘‰ Being alone makes you stronger πŸ’ͺ🏾 for you know what you can do on your own. Being by yourself takes discipline. You have to know your worth and value ✨️ and not quick to spread ❀️ yourself out like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich πŸ₯ͺ Everybody has access to you... you feel me on that πŸ˜ŽπŸ’― You redefine yourself and inner being. Cause now you can hear yourself innerly.. πŸ‘πŸ™ŒπŸΎ so yes, the creator you are connected to innerly rises up! Heart ❀️ is ✨️ key πŸ”‘ πŸ’“ to a new start to all beginnings ✨️ don't let the world cheat you for what you didn't know ✨️ so now you carry those burdens! Cut them lose and the outside world 🌎 to. Alone, you can enter your inner world 🌎 with peace! Hear your inner child talk to you. And you both can heal together πŸ’š change your frequency... it's how you attack 😀 πŸ€ͺ 🀣 😏 everything you so desire.. FRFR πŸ’«

3 days ago | [YT] | 1