Hey, I'm McDareth. On my channel you'll find different kinds of videos ranging from stream highlights from my Twitch.tv stream, Crew Battles from the different Smash Character Discords, matches of me playing different games vs others, combo videos, tutorials, and more!

In my eyes this channel isn't super focused on one game, more so on sharing games, knowledge, and experiences that I enjoy and I hope you will all enjoy as well :D


Just uploaded a special video and my first cover song. The video is a celebration of nearly 10 years making content and I spent a lot of time looking through old Twitch Clips and YouTube videos to make it. The song was a ton of fun to do and ‪@SilentDrumrRemix‬ really made it something amazing to me.

Thanks for being on this journey with me :D

2 years ago | [YT] | 0


Now that I've done and unlocked everything in Team Sonic Racing, I wanted to give everyone a rundown on what I think of the game currently. I also discuss the PS4 vs the Switch version of the game, online, and items to name a few things in this video.

5 years ago (edited) | [YT] | 0


As you may have seen, I've been uploading gameplay from Team Sonic Racing! I received a review code of the game from Sega and am super excited to play it and bring you these videos thanks to them. But also I'd like to thank all of you for supporting me both here and on Twitch as this was not possible with out it.

If you've seen the videos already let me know your thoughts on the game and if you haven't be sure to catch them to see my first experiences with the game!

5 years ago | [YT] | 9


One of my very first Smash videos passed 10,000 views today. It's been a long journey and I'm super thankful for everyone who's help this channel to get to where it is.

Especially thanks for sticking around despite how inconsistent I am with uploading D:

5 years ago | [YT] | 5


With Ultimate so close, I wanted to take some time and discuss what Smash 4 meant to me in the only way I know how: by talking way more than what is needed 🙃

5 years ago | [YT] | 4


Just as an update:

The full game of Smash Ultimate has leaked online so I've had to pivot the content I want to make to both avoid spoilers for World of Light and because we know all of the music added to the game now.

So the "5 songs" series is basically over as it's pointless to speculate that now. I have a different idea for post launch in regards to music that can wrap that series up but have to wait till after it's out.

I have some other ideas for more discussion based content from now till launch, however. Just have to find some time to record and edit D:

5 years ago (edited) | [YT] | 61


We've finally have the community tab :D

I wanted to take this moment to thank everyone who joined us or even just stopped by and checked our a video. I really do appreciate it as I've honestly been worried that people wouldn't like parts of what I do or me. Seeing how many people have commented to discuss their view or saying that they enjoyed the video makes me happy beyond words.

I'm try to be more consistent but I've been swamped with work since I got back from Destiny. It'll be calming back down in a few days so I'll be looking to be much more productive then.

Thanks again and I hope you'll all find something to enjoy in what I have planned for the next videos.

5 years ago | [YT] | 11