Khristin Charity

Hey hey! I'm Khristin, and I'm thrilled to welcome you to my corner of the internet. This channel is all about navigating the exciting journey of being a PT (Physical Therapy) while embracing a holistic lifestyle. Embark on this adventure with me as I share the highs and lows of my PT journey.
But that's not all! I'm also on a personal journey with weight loss, growing closer with God, pouring into my mental health, and building effective systems to reach my goals. I invite you to join me in exploring the best version of myself. But, this channel is not just about my journey—it's about building a supportive community. Share your experiences and stories, and let's grow together. Your input and stories are not only welcome but valued. Let's take this journey together to becoming our best selves!

With love,

Khristin Charity

Hey everyone! So, I know I've been MIA for some time, but ya girl has graduated from PT school and just recently passed my boards!!! Now, I'm trying to figure out what I want to do with this channel. Of course I want to give some insight into being a new clinician, but I also want to show more lifestyle content. So, let me know what kind of content you all would like to see from me!

1 month ago | [YT] | 3

Khristin Charity

Hey guys! I know it's been a minute since I've posted, but I wanted to hear from you all on which video would all like to see first. Also, do you all have any video suggestions?

1 year ago | [YT] | 0