Whose purpose do you serve?


Nobody who plays HoYoverse games should have a say in how a country is run.

2 months ago | [YT] | 43


I keep trying to give this platform a chance. It's dog shit. Copyright bots pressing creators trying to squeeze out a couple thousand measly UNMONETIZED views. Bots blocking comments that challenge whatever agenda is being pushed. Youtube does everything in its power to make sure creators like me fail, and all dissenting viewpoints are silenced under false pretenses.


5 months ago | [YT] | 78


Why you should be an Elite Patron in 2024


1. Access to mp3 downloads of hundreds of tracks from all era’s (2011-2024)
2. Immediate access to NEW tracks every month.
3. Exclusive access to Spotify playlist
4. Elite Patrons do not have to pay a basic lease fee to use tracks.
5. Exclusive access to Discord and the Request Center.

The intangibles:

No other producer of my caliber is offering this much to a fanbase for only $7 a month. No other producer of my caliber refuses to sacrifice their creativity integrity (I bet your other favorite producers are making type-beats, desperate for a sale and clout) for a shot at fame.
No other producer has the longevity or is as consistent with bringing top-tier tracks that no other producer would ever think of making.

No other producer has pioneered Anime in modern style hip-hop, while also using vocaloid and AI (little sister voice) before either was ever popular. No other producer has the range or the staying power.

Most of my imitators have folded and respectfully returned to working their day jobs. Most of my peers (peers that I still respect despite this) have given up on trying to be unique and now make tracks with titles like, “LiL Baby x Future Type-beat” because they are afraid to innovate or come up with their own business model.

My Elite Patrons already know all of the above. For $7 a month you get access to a once in a lifetime producer’s work and innovation even AI couldn’t duplicate.


7 months ago (edited) | [YT] | 78


PLUTO should be in your conversation for Greatest anime of all time. It’s a 10/10 and a top 5 for sure. Only anime that has tried to make me cry every other episode. Somehow it will lose anime of the year to some dogshit High-school centric romcom/ slice of life/Isekai, though.

Oh well. I’m just glad I finally got fed some gourmet and thought I’d share the news for those who are looking for some good food.

10 months ago | [YT] | 85


For the 12 of you that will see this message. It's that time of year again - All Exclusive Rights Prices are 50% off until the end of the Month. Inquiry - Inkrediblexx@yahoo.com OR DM me on Discord

10 months ago | [YT] | 108


NEW BEATSTARS ACCOUNT - www.beatstars.com/inkrediblexxxx
8 TRACKS AVAILABLE FOR BASIC $30 DOLLAR LEASE. For those of you who missed the leases, take advantage.
-Exclusive Rights Temporarily $150 for certain tracks on patreon. DM me or Email. Exclusive rights Deal only for PATRONS. Deal lasts until April 22nd.
Email: Inkrediblexx@yahoo.com

Patreon: www.Patreon.com/LWDGNG

1 year ago | [YT] | 44


Remember kids, If women can prefer that men be 6'0 or taller in order to be date-worthy, you can prefer that they be virgins. You're still giving them the advantage because; while you don't really have control over what height you end up being, they have control over whether or not they decide to be a whore.

Or you can just DFE and go do something great with your life.

2 years ago | [YT] | 149


Ichigo perfectly encapsulating my reaction when niggas try to hop back on the Bleach bandwagon and slither back into the fanbase. NOPE. Keep that same energy you had about Bleach all these years it was off the scene. Kubo's been planning your downfall from the Jaws of Hell.

3 years ago | [YT] | 349


I love when a song is coming together, good rhythm, good tone, and then the motherf***er starts crying over a female in his lyrics and ruins any depth the song could have had. Spent the past hour and a half going through tracks to sample or rip vocals from and 75% of the tracks are unusable because it devolves into "GIRRLLLL WHYYY DID YOU LEEEAVEE MEEE."

I hate this planet.

3 years ago | [YT] | 128


My recent work of art was removed due to Youtube's catch-all policy, "Hate Speech", which I wholly agree should apply in this specific case. The song in question was titled "Dead White People" and the lyrics opened with "Dead White people make me feel good". Spot on youtube, Well done. Alternatively, the song is available to listen to on my Patreon and download for a small fee. For those of you who did view and enjoy the work of art, which I must uncharacteristically pat myself on the back for, I hope you got a good kick out of the Creativity and Originality of it. As always, my patrons keep me well fed so all priority goes to the fine benefactors at patreon, anyway. For everyone else, well... See you when creativity strikes again - should youtube allow it.

4 years ago | [YT] | 220