Tom And Lauren Travel

Hello :) We are Tom and Lauren, a 22 year old couple, backpacking South East Asia before ending up in Australia.

We like to make videos to document our travels however if we can share this with like minded people and build a little community that would be great!

Support us here-

Tom And Lauren Travel

So… we now live in Brisbane and here is a video to show you how it happened!

Unfortunately the first time I uploaded the video it only uploaded 7 minutes of it. So if the video randomly cut off for no reason- go check out the last 3 minutes!

And please don’t forgot to leave a like! ❤️

Thanks, Tom and Lauren x

4 months ago | [YT] | 1

Tom And Lauren Travel


If you saw our last video you will have seen we had an amazing Christmas in Boracay! And if you haven’t seen it yet- go check it out, it is action packed!

We are slowly catching up on the videos, next time we travel to Thailand and spend 2 amazing weeks with Lauren’s parents!

Life in Australia has been a pretty hectic start for us, with both of us getting a job and then having to leave the job too.

But we are settling in nicely, and we can’t wait to share our experience with you all.

We hope you are all good!

Tom and Lauren X

7 months ago | [YT] | 3

Tom And Lauren Travel

So... Our full time travelling has come to an end- It has been amazing!

But, there is more to come!

We are currently trying to settle down in Brisbane, Australia whilst on our working holiday visa. So it's been pretty busy lately trying to find a job and trying to find a place to call home. All of this is going to be documented week by week when we have caught up on the travel vlogs.

We are now going to be posting daily short videos on here, covering our South East Asia experiences. No pressure to watch these, we know they are not everyones cup of tea.

Hopefully another Philippines video will be coming out over the weekend, but until then, we hope you have all had a nice week and we look forward to sharing more of our adventures with you all :)

Thanks, Tom and Lauren :)

7 months ago | [YT] | 10

Tom And Lauren Travel


We are actually in Australia now!

Hello to the community wall, we have never really used this feature on youtube before, but we hope it can help you be more up to date with what is happening in real time.

HERE is the latest video of our travels around south east Asia- and we personally think it is a belter! So if you missed this one- go watch it now! It's our hardest challenge that we have faced so far!

So... a little update for you!

Since hiking this ACTIVE VOLCANO we have backpacked around the Philippines and then headed back to Thailand where Laurens parents joined us for 2 weeks around Krabi, Koh Lanta and Phuket! It was so great to see them since we have been travelling for around 4 months at this point.

From Phuket we got a flight to Singapore, where we were joined by Toms Parents- this brings us up to date as we have now all gone to explore the down under- Australia!

We(Tom and Lauren) have actually got a working holiday visa in Australia and are going to give it our best shot to have an amazing time here!

Although we are going to miss family, friends and home comforts. We are excited to see what Australia has to offer and we will be sharing it all with you.

We hope you have had a great start to the year, let us know what you have planned for 2024- we love to hear of everyones goals and ambitions.

~Tom and Lauren X

7 months ago | [YT] | 3

Tom And Lauren Travel


We hope you all have an amazing time celebrating this holiday period with your family, friends or doing something you love to do!

We can't thank evervone who's supported our account enough! We are truly grateful to everyone who has liked, commented, saved or shared our Instagram posts or supported us on YouTube!

But, we also understand that this time of year can be very upsetting for some. So, if your feeling down or lonely there's people out there that want to help and will listen to you!

For example, the Samaritans are available 24/7, call on 116 123 @samaritanscharity

All our love, Tom & Lauren x

8 months ago | [YT] | 11

Tom And Lauren Travel


Hello, hope you’re all doing well and staying warm! 🥶

Unfortunately, we don’t have a video this week as we have both been a bit under the weather 🤢

However, we have just made this short 👇🏼

Hope you all have a great weekend! 😊

1 year ago | [YT] | 0