Lifestyle vlogs with a focus on healthy living!

Ashley Salvatori

A little mini update since it’s been a while 👋🏻

I have been back to eating low carb for the last 5 weeks as I realized the higher carb lifestyle (even when combined with fasting) was causing my mental health to suffer, I will have an update on this soon but since switching back to eating mostly meat based, low carb with the only carbs I am eating coming from lower carb veggie sources and also increasing my omega 3 daily, and eliminating alcohol I have dramatically started feeling better.

What led me to shift away from a low carb lifestyle to begin with was that I was trying to lose weight with it and felt like no matter what I did it stuck to me, and I was gaining it back slowly but feeling like I was on a “diet”.

What brings me back has nothing to do with weight loss or body composition although that is shifting naturally on its own from the break and then return. I think too much of anything is not good and shifting gears based on currently goals and lifestyle is a good idea, for me returning to low carb feels right in this moment as I am mainly concerned with healing my mental health struggles I was experiencing.

I’m not saying this will be my path the rest of my life, it’s what I need right now.

If you guys would like me to start uploading vlogs again let me know below. I started some new passions this past year including painting and found a new side of myself that I didn’t know existed or at least was always there but had been suppressed and there’s a lot of exciting things going on in my life that I would love to share with you all of you are interested in coming along for the ride. Xo 😘

7 months ago | [YT] | 88

Ashley Salvatori

Have you ever tried OMAD? (One Meal a Day Fasting?)

1 year ago | [YT] | 40

Ashley Salvatori

Great breakdown of the erythritol study!

1 year ago | [YT] | 10

Ashley Salvatori

The absolute best breakdown of all things metabolism and optimizing fat loss etc. this was the best video I’ve ever watched and highly recommend everyone check it out! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

1 year ago | [YT] | 12

Ashley Salvatori

I knew something wasn’t right…

Everyone who knows me knows I am an extremely disciplined person, so HOW could I be doing all the things I was supposed to do following keto but gaining the weight back???

For about 3 years I’ve been experiencing a Yo-Yo with keto, I lost 60 lbs then I gained 20 of it back and endured a painful struggle with that 20. It is a living torture to be on a “diet” and gaining weight, like wtf.

Finally I hit my breaking point and decided if there was a way for me to just eat whatever I want I would be happy staying the same, if it meant I could get off the constant battle with my body, I just wanted to be content and happy and able to eat the foods I love.

At this same time I decided to get my microbiome tested and with that I found ALL my problems clearly laid out for me. I didn’t have to guess anymore. The answer was clear.

I needed to quit keto.

What I learned shook me to the core. I had been eating ALL the right foods for keto which also turns out were the WRONG foods for my personal gut microbiome and they were setting war on me with constant bloating, pain and weight gain. They were producing toxic gas from the foods I thought were helping me!

Last Halloween I couldn’t get out of bed because I was in so much pain after eating STEAK, and couldn’t figure out WHY. Now I know.

I think keto short term is not an issue but I needed to shift into a more balanced lifestyle once I initially lost that 60 lbs and started plateauing.

My glow up includes ditching all diets, focusing on a flexible eating lifestyle with time restricted eating and fueling my body with abundance of all the foods, I focus on staying in a negative energy balance while my goal is fat loss.

I FUC*ING love my life now. Zero bloating, no pain and I have never felt more free and now the weight is effortlessly dropping! Stay tuned for my ultimate glow up and to see what I’m doing daily watch my stories 🌈 don’t give up on yourself!

For info on the microbiome test I used drop a 🌈 rainbow emoji below!

#keto #flexibleeating #microbiome

(The keto before photo was a couple months ago and the after was this week!)

1 year ago | [YT] | 214

Ashley Salvatori

They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. THAT is EXACTLY how I felt my last year with keto.

I think keto is amazing for breaking food addictions if you literally can not control your quantity of food, but it can hit a wall within a journey and hold you back if you’re not careful.

Just because I lost weight with keto in the past, doesn’t mean at this stage of my journey keto is still going to serve me and be the best plan for me.

I knew something was off, why was I constantly feeling like a failure?

I had the false belief that carbs make you fat, and because I believed this, every time I ate carbs I felt incredible GUILT.

Recently I had my microbiome tested and this revealed a shocking result. The foods I was eating 98% of the time on keto were causing a violent reaction with my gut bugs, this was causing me to have intense stomach pains and bloating and weight loss stalls for years without knowing why.

Then I started thinking… if I was able to eat whatever I wanted the rest of my life but would maintain where I was, I feel like I would be happy with that, but if I felt like I was on a “diet” and constantly struggling with falling on and off keto and losing and gaining over and over the rest of my life dealing with guilt, that seems like a living hell.

So I abandoned my beliefs about carbs and keto and started eating for my microbiome, the first 30 days back to carbs my goal was to maintain, I did this with just a little scale fluctuation which is to be expected with water weight changes.

The second month I decided to shift into fat loss with my new flexible eating and I’m now on day 11 of eating carbs (already down 8.3 lbs!) but I’m pairing this with OMAD as it’s easy for me to create this balance without restrictions on what I eat. I am mindful of calories, trying to keep it below my maintenance level, and I prioritize protein with every meal. I am never hungry and I don’t feel like I’m on a diet, stay tuned for the next 5 weeks as I’m about to get in the best shape of my life 🙌🏻 eating whatever I want and building a new sustainable lifestyle for the rest of my life 🙌🏻

1 year ago | [YT] | 166

Ashley Salvatori

Yay!!!!! Congrats! So excited for these winners! Thanks for subscribing and commenting on my videos to enter this giveaway! ⭐️ so happy for these 3 ladies who won!!!!

2 years ago | [YT] | 51

Ashley Salvatori

What best describes your eating pattern these days if you do intermittent fasting (time restricted eating) 👇🏻

2 years ago | [YT] | 35

Ashley Salvatori

I tell myself this ALL THE TIME.

It’s probably the single best mantra that has caused the biggest impact and a positive shift in my life.

It’s easy to notice all the little things in the day that go wrong, but how often do we recognize and celebrate all the little things that go right? What you focus on expands. You get more of it.

Ever hear people say “the worse it gets, the worse it gets” this is true if they believe that and more bad things are sure to show up for them, but also true is the better it gets, the better it gets”

The magic is in recognizing the positive things more than negative if you want to live a more positive life and create your own positive momentum.

Eventually you won’t notice negative things that naturally arise, it just won’t bother you the same.

Lost keys, broke a nail, stub your toe… these things fall away.

Getting an amazing parking spot, kids sleeping through the night, bar tender accidentally pouring two drinks 😂 it stops raining just as you leave the grocery store with a cart full… the little things that go right, every time it happens tell yourself “everything always works out for me” and praise the moment with gratitude.

Every morning I create my first thought as I wake up, I tell myself “today is an AMAZING day and everything always works out for me!!” it sets the intention for the day and starts the positive momentum.

We all wonder if we are enough, if things will workout, if we made the right choices in life. We all question ourself, but when you notice the things that do workout in your favor and you recognize it and tell yourself “everything always works out for me” it reinforces the belief, overtime everything will start tipping in your favor, you’ll stop questioning yourself and begin believing more in yourself, it will be easier to make clear decisions and your confidence in yourself will improve.

Regardless of what choice you make, believing this will shift your life experience.

So tell me, are you ready for everything to always workout for you??? 👇🏻 claim it below!

2 years ago | [YT] | 95

Ashley Salvatori

The question is… are your habits creating the future YOU want??

It’s 1000% within your hands to change your life at any moment. It starts with your habits.

Do you want to change your health, fitness or body? It starts with what you do DAILY. Small efforts repeated daily stack and add up, both moving you forward or backwards, the choice is YOURS.

Want to live without a boss and experience a lifestyle In the top 1%? Start taking the daily actions to build a residual in your life.

Want to be an amazing parent, it starts with being present and In the moment every day, kids don’t need nice things or a lot of toys, they need DEDICATED TIME.

This post is not to cause guilt or to make anyone feel bad about their daily habits but to give you the power to draw a line in the sand if your life is NOT where you want it to be and help you decide “TODAY I start MAKING MY FUTURE”, today my future isn’t “happening to me” but “created because of me.” And then go to work and build consistency.

Your dreams are literally one daily habit and decision away, ask yourself before you do something “is this serving me?”

3 years ago | [YT] | 180